Saturday, September 8, 2012

Useless to Useful

Let my life be the proof of your love...

There are three truths I’d like to share with you. 

1.       God loves you.   Romans 5.8-11. 

2.       God has a plan for your life.  Jeremiah 29.10-14. 

3.       God will use you to change the world.  

Early in recovery, the reaction to this third truth is either one of: “YES!!!  Look out world!  Here I come!”  They get the t-shirts and put the bumper stickers on their cars and are “serving the Lord” every waking moment of their lives. 

I can’t count the number of individuals who completed 30 days of rehab and “just knew God was calling them to become a substance abuse counselor” to help others.  We’ve probably all experienced them.   They make comments like, “I’m just on fire for the Lord.” and “If I can just help one person not make the mistakes I made.”  They serve with such zeal it makes those around them think they’ve lost any sense of reality.  Then, less than a year later, they are back using again or are on a different path in life. 

The second typical response is the exact opposite.  Many in the early stages of recovery make comments like:  “Well, I don’t see how God can use me.  I’m a nothing.  I don’t have any particular talents or abilities that God could use.”

Biblical counsel for both responses is given in Scripture. 

Ephesians 4.7 &16.  God has given each one of us a “special gift” (v.7) to be used to build up the body of Christ “as each part does its own special work” (v.16).      

The reason the “overzealous” become complacent is that they are not using the special gift the Spirit has given them.  I’m not saying you should “sit and wait” because you’re not sure what your giftedness is.   Part of the discovery process of determining your giftedness is experiential.  I am saying that individuals should not try to do everything because of some emotional high they’re on! 

And, too, God can and will empower you to do things on a short term basis that lie beyond your giftedness. 

I am not designed in any way to have a relationship with anyone of junior high age.  I had a hard time being around my own daughter when she was in junior high!  Regardless of my “lack of ability,” God empowered and used me to create a junior high ministry in South Dakota.  We all grew close together and to this day, we still call ourselves “The Dirty Dozen.” 

Romans 12.3-8 verse 6 - “God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well.”  Everyone seems to want the “high profile” gifts.  The gift of “kindness” is usually a behind-the-scenes-out-of-the-spotlight gift.  Yet, Scripture states it is God-given gift.  (v. 8c)

Look closely at verse 8.  “If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging.”  Who could better encourage a person in the bondage of addiction than someone who has been there and has experienced the freedom found in Christ?  A couple words of encouragement could make the difference between life and death for someone. 

If you know of someone in bondage, invite them to Remedy where they will be offered hope, healing and freedom in Christ. 

In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul resolves the argument the Corinthians were having about which gift was the “more spiritual.”  I would summarize chapter 12 by stating:  All gifts are significant and useful to advance the Kingdom of God.  And, as Paul states in verse 22, the “parts of the body that seem weakest and least important are actually the most necessary.”  If your gift is a behind-the-scenes-out-of-the-spotlight gift, use it to the glory of God knowing all gifts are significant – even if you don’t appear on the “highlight video” in church! 

Some individuals have had their hearts so battered by their addiction they still have a badly distorted self-image and really can’t see any way that God could use them to change the world.  They have such a low self-esteem that when God summons them to do their “special work” to build up the body, they immediately start to rationalize why God can’t use them.   

 Here’s the way some of the great “world changers” of the Bible responded to God’s calling on their lives:  God summons Moses and Moses responded: “Who am I …?  No way, Yahweh.”   God summoned Jeremiah and his response: “You can’t be serious.  I’m just a kid.”  God summoned David.  His answer:  “What?  You want a songwriter and shepherd to be king?  God summoned Deborah and her response: “You’ve got to be joking!  You want to send a woman to lead a war?” 

Despite their initial reluctance and rationalization, when these “world changers” became obedient to God, they did their “special work” and their world – history – changed. 

One of the most frightening moments of my life was when God called me into full-time ministry.  There were lots of reasons I could think of that I should say “NO!” to God.  I had just gotten married.  I owned a townhouse.  I owned my own business.  I loved the community I was living in.  I was NOT qualified.  I had not read the Bible from cover to cover yet.  I didn’t know how to properly interpret or apply the teachings of Scripture.  When I surrendered to Jesus and became obedient to His calling on my life, He blessed me beyond measure.  Not with “things of this world,” but with the blessing of seeing HIM change lives, restore families, and heal addicts. 

However God has gifted you; whatever God has called you to, it’s going to be bigger than you are.  If you could do it on your own, then you wouldn’t need God. 

What will God summon you to?  I don’t know. 

How has God gifted you?  I don’t know. 

This I do know:  God can and will use each and every one of us to “change our world.”

 How do you go from feeling useless to be truly useful?

Determine which gift [gifts] you have been given. 

Respond when summoned. 

Use your giftedness to change your world
                                – one heart, one hug, one day at a time.

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