Friday, April 6, 2012

EEF - Progressive Conservative Movement

I’ve learned two things about myself in the past few months.  One, I can honestly say I’m a progressive conservative.  In case you need clarification, that means I realize that something in our nation has to change; that we need to help those in need; that we, as Christians, have a responsibility to help those less fortunate than ourselves.  I also realize that we have to quit spending more money than we take in – on a personal level and as a nation! 

Secondly, I realize I’ve been watching too much CNN and Fox News.  Seeing all the protestors promoting their cause has created a desire within me to start ANOTHER cause – EEF.  I’ve got the cause figured out – that wrong I want to see corrected in our country – now I need to find a rich person who insists on remaining anonymous to fund my cause.  George Soros is already taken ( and is busy running the White House, so I guess I’ll have to find someone else!  If you have anyone in mind, please let me know! 

My plans include making a poster and parading around the capital building here in Cheyenne.  If there’s anything left of my poster after being battered about by the wind, I could possibly drive to Pierre, South Dakota and protest a couple of days there.  I’ll be sure to take my tent and sleeping bag with me as I can’t afford to stay in a motel (unless I find that rich person!).  I’m sure there is a park in Pierre I can pitch my tent in for a couple of days.  Then, if my poster is still legible, I could make a trip to Helena, Montana.  (I like Montana this time of year so that would be a good choice.  Maybe on the way to Helena I could stop and see my good friends in Huntley and take a shower – probably a good plan.) 

And, who knows, if I get enough press coverage, this cause could spread throughout the United States! 


EEF stands for End Entitlement Fraud!  The government could save billions if Congress would be sympathetic to my cause and pass legislation implementing strict regulations and insist on strict enforcement of those regulations!  

Here’s a couple of changes my cause would promote:

 Any single mom living with a male partner would not be entitled to the free child care, medical care, and tuition given to single moms busting their butts to make it on their own. 

Unemployment benefits would be limited to 120 days and would only be paid to individuals seriously seeking employment rather than an easy “high.”

Individuals receiving benefits who smoke would have the cost of cigarettes deducted from their payment based on a pack a day. 

Random drug testing would be mandatory for everyone receiving welfare or unemployment.  Not just when they apply but continuously!    

Ok, Kool-Aid drinkers, I can hear your whining about my cause already.  “It’ll hurt the children” you say.   Do you really think a druggie or boozer spends their money on food and clothing for their children before their substance of choice?   Do you really believe a smoker will spend the $35 a week needed for cigarettes on food and clothing for their kids before they get their “fix”? And what about those losers who are selling their food stamps to finance their habit?  Is that helping the children?  If you think so, you better check the ingredients in your Kool-Aid! 

An added benefit of EEF would be that Congress wouldn’t have to cut EARNED BENEFITS from Social Security recipients and veterans to pay for the free loaders working the entitlement system. 

Are you with me?  WHAT!??!  You have to work?  Ok.  Well, I guess I’ll have to do this on my own then.  I’ll blog later to let you know how it’s going. 

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