Monday, October 31, 2011


My father-in-law calls me a workaholic.  Others call me focused.  Still others label me as being single-minded.  The reason for the labels is that all my life I’ve had an intense desire to finish what I start.

When I was 13 years old, I worked at the stockyards in Lewistown, Montana.  My first job assignment was to clean the pens being used to fatten pigs for slaughter.  I never imagined how much waste pigs could generate in a week’s time!   After several weeks of shoveling pig “stuff” for four hours after school, I was ready to quit.  But I couldn’t!  I couldn’t quit.  I had started the job and I was going to do it and do it well – or “finish strong” as some would say.

Nearly 30 years ago, I attempted to climb Twin Mountain just west of Cheyenne.  It is the highest point between Cheyenne and Laramie with an elevation of nearly 9,000’.  I failed in my attempt to reach the top as a severe storm rolled through southeast Wyoming with dangerous lightning dancing all around.

I didn’t finish what I had started!! 

On October 14, 2011, I finished what I had started.  A beautiful fall day, an early start, two bottles of water, two Mojo bars, and “an intense desire to finish what I had started” led me to the top of Twin Mountain! 

He makes me as surefooted as a deer, enabling me to stand on mountain heights. Psalm 18:33

A powerful life lesson can be gleaned from this experience: 

 Never give up on finishing what you start regardless of the obstacles or delays you encounter.

A lesson to those of us in recovery:

Recovery is a journey.  It’s a hard climb.  There will be ups and downs.  There will be setbacks, disappointments, and delays.  Yet, in the face of overwhelming obstacles, we cannot give up!  Never, ever stop trying to finish what we started – living a clean and sober life!!   

Monday, October 24, 2011

Highway 59

Stretching across the high plains of Wyoming between Gillette and Douglas is 120 miles of pavement known as Highway 59.  As far as I know, it has never been considered a “scenic highway.” 

I traveled Highway 59 on Sunday, October 9thtwice!  I traveled north to Gillette with a pickup packed with Wendy’s possessions.  After emptying my pickup of boxes; small appliances; and a dresser, I traveled south toward Douglas and Cheyenne with a full load of alone-ness!

Dawn had left the day before as a “designated driver” for her parents on a sixteen day trip through Minnesota, Nebraska, and Iowa.  A few hours before, Wendy had completed her move to her new home. 

South of Bill,,_Wyoming, the cab of my pickup was filled with darkness. The darkness of feeling alone.  That feeling only a husband can feel when he knows he won’t touch or see his wife for an extended period of time.  That feeling that only a dad can have when he realizes his “little girl” is now a young lady and her heart truly belongs to someone else! 

As I traveled south with the clouds building in my heart, I topped a hill and was overwhelmed at the sight before me!  My words cannot describe the beauty of what was in front of me.  Please use your imagination as I attempt to describe what I experienced:  I could see for miles.  The Medicine Bow Mountains and Laramie Peak formed the distant horizon.  The foreground was the North Platte River with its banks clothed with fall colors.  A gaggle of Canadian geese soared across my line of sight.  Snow clouds hugged Laramie Peak and huddled over the rest of the Medicine Bow range. 

It was a moment I cannot describe.  It was a moment I will never forget.  It was a moment when God spoke into my heart and said,
 You’re NOT alone!
I am right here with you! 
I will watch over your girls! 
Both now and forever!    

Your faithfulness extends to every generation, as enduring as the earth you created (Psalm 119.90)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Mighty Warrior! Really?

God spoke to the prophet Isaiah saying, I have called mighty warriors to express my anger, and they will rejoice when I am exalted (13.3). 

I’m certain that the destruction caused by addiction makes God angry.  I’m also certain I have been called to express that anger to those in the bondage of addiction. 

Expressing God’s anger to addicts does not mean beating ‘em up with a Bible. 

It means quietly telling them what ticks God off and how to fix it!

It means offering them new life in Christ and showing them a different way to live life.

It means challenging people to become who they need to be to experience life to its fullest in Christ.

However, I’m not so certain that I am a “mighty warrior.”

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Some call me old fashioned, a hick, "old school," or "too country."  I'm ok with all that 'cause that's what I am!

I embrace today's technology visiting Facebook, email, and posting a blog now and then.  But what I really enjoy is "snail mail."  You know, the stuff you get in a mailbox with someone's hand writing on the front of the envelope.  Something almost mystical about opening the mailbox to discover a hand written note from a friend or family member. 

Last week I received a note in my mailbox that filled my heart and soul with joy.  When I read "between the lines," what I read was "We believe in you and what you're doing!"  

And it amazes me how God's timing on things like that are always perfect!  

I thank God for His providential grace and for two outspoken members of my family.   

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


After a couple of tough months, Dawn and I went to "my mountain" to catch a breath of fresh air.  We both enjoyed the changing colors we encountered but were blown away at the site of a large bull elk and twelve of his lady friends.  Dawn got some great pictures while I was so excited I took several with very limited quality!  This one I'm pleased with....